D.P. Haokip I.R.S.

Chief Commissioner of Income Tax (OSD) – Mumbai




If you’re feeling overwhelmed by the demands of your professional life, listen in to this raw and honest talk by D.P. Haokip, Chief Commissioner of Income Tax. Despite facing multiple professional challenges and personal losses, he encourages us to stay true to our calling as servants of Christ.
Haokip has been the Chief Commissioner of Income Tax in the Principal CCIT region since 2018. In the year 1985, he began his career as an Income Tax Officer Group A Under Training in Shillong. He has also attended mid-career training at IIM, Bangalore, another at Syracuse University, NY, and leadership training at Haggai International, Hawaii. Apart from serving in the Indian Government, he is involved in Campus Crusade, YWAM, OM, Gideons International, FMPB Ministries, and Kuki Worship Service.



From nobody I became somebody. At the age of 18, I accepted Jesus Christ as my personal Lord and Saviour. And at age 24 I married while I was in college. Due to poverty, I worked as LDC, Lower Division Clerk, in the government of Manipur in the year 1979.  After completion of my graduation, I prepared for the civil services exam. As far as Northeast is concerned, the Seven Sisters as they say in my place, even while preparing for the exam, we didn’t have electricity, we didn’t have any newspaper and we didn’t have any good books. So, the only means available for me was to go to the college library and copy down all the important notes. We didn’t have any coaching centre and the only centre we had in our state was for the prelim exams. Once you’re through the prelims, you have to prepare for the main exams. Main exams are only available in Guwahati and Shillong, which are far away from our state. It takes time, and a lot of money is required. In those circumstances, I prepared myself for the exams. When I was working as a lower division clerk, I used to tell my colleagues, ‘See one day, I will become DC- Deputy Commissioner’. By cutting down the first letter ‘L’ of LDC, I wanted to become DC.  Then, my friends started laughing. My determination and my purpose in life, hinted by God, was very clear.  So, I married as a young boy.

As we have seen in Daniel’s life, his purpose was not to defile himself with the food and the drinks of the kings, so that was my purpose. Before writing my exams, I made it a point and I made a commitment to myself, ‘Lord if you give me a good job, I will not drink and I will not touch a woman. No woman and no wine.  That was my decision and purpose. As we all know, this is a very common feature in our society and especially in Northeast.

Wherever I go, I share Word of God because I know the purpose of God in my life is to witness Him.

Then, when I appeared before the UPSC interview in May 1985, I went with only one Bible verse not with any other material. That Bible verse was, Matthew chapter 19:26- Jesus looked at them and said, ‘With man it is not possible, but with God everything is possible’.  I know that with God I will get through, but with men I will not get success.

When I was promoted last month and when they congratulated me, one of the comments which was commented upon me was, ‘Mr. Haokip was in government school, he was in government college, and now he is in a government service job.’ So, I don’t have that chance. So, from LDC, I’ve now become the Chief Commissioner of Income Tax, which is something wonderful for me. In this context, I would like to quote one Bible verse which is from 2 Samuel 7:18- David said to the Lord, ‘O Sovereign Lord, who am I and what is my family that you have brought me thus far’.  This is the verse which is applicable to me. In my journey which started from being an Income Tax Officer, then Assistant Commissioner, Deputy Commissioner, Joint Commissioner, Additional Commissioner, Commissioner, Principal Commissioner and then Chief Commissioner.  I have been given eight promotions which I never deserved, but God has purposed, and God has put that integrity upon my life. All the promotions which were not meant for me but were given to me, I praise God for this. In the Income Tax Department, as we all know, when I said, ‘No woman and no wine’, wine is an everyday affair. Any party, there will be a lot of wine. Then I said, ‘I have decided before the Living God that I will not drink’. So initially I was the only one not drinking. It was very difficult on my part to stand alone, sitting somewhere, just holding one glass of water. Thank God, today when I join any Income Tax party there are 50-50 people who are drinking and not drinking wine. So, I thank the Lord.

God has purpose in all of our lives God wants us to have integrity in our lives. God wants us to excel in our own areas. -DP Haokip Share on X

In one of the parties, when our Chief Commissioner was given farewell party, there one of the conductor’s called my wife, ‘Now, Mrs. Haokip will present us with a song’. Then I was sitting with other officials and my wife came and said, ‘Come, we will sing a song’. Then I was so angry, I told her in my own mother tongue, ‘What the hell you are talking? Why should we entertain these people who are drinking wine?’. Then my wife told me, ‘No no no, come this is the opportunity to sing Gospel song. We have to witness Jesus Christ’. The purpose of God in my life is to witness in my workplace and in marketplaces. Then, I said, ‘What song do you want to sing?’. She said, ‘We will sing Amazing Grace, how sweet the sound.’ So, I took the guitar, and we played the first and the second stanza. We sang, ‘Amazing grace how sweet the sound’, and people clapped their hands. The next morning three of my Income Tax officials they came and said, ‘Sir we feel so sorry. Last night you sang ‘Amazing Grace’ and we have decided not to drink wine again in our life’. Today, they are believers, not only good believers but they became church leaders in their own communities. I praise the Lord!

When I was posted in Bangalore in the year 2006, I used to have prayer cell in my room during lunch break. Then one day, I called Mr. Rahul Dravid. That time, he was the captain of the Indian cricket team. I told his advocate, ‘I want to meet Rahul Dravid’. They were very scared to meet the Commissioner of Income Tax. Then I said, ‘No, nothing wrong, I just wanted to share the Word of God. I just wanted to give the Bible and pray for him’. So, he came and said, ‘Sir I am coming just for five minutes before my practice’. I said, ‘After we meet, you go and practice’. Then we sat and had lunch together. I spent more than one hour with him. So, when we share the Word of God time runs out. Then I told Rahul Dravid, ‘See you are the ambassador for Christ. Wherever you play cricket, at least you mention the name of Jesus. It is good that I shared the Word of God, at least you read the Bible’. So, I gave him the Bible.

  When God has a purpose and when you do the will of God nothing can stop you. 

Then again one day, with my wife, we went to a spa in Mysore. During that time, spas were very popular. I entered from the men’s section, and she entered the women’s section. I did not know what needs to be done. Soon after, two boys entered the room and they said, ‘Sir, you need to take out everything’. Then I said, ‘Fine’. After I removed my clothes, they said, ‘Please sit as now I have to pray for something’. I sat down and they said, ‘Om Namah Shivaya’. I was just sitting, and they did whatever they had to do. When they prepared the bill, I told them, ‘See, in the beginning we started by praying. Now I have to pray’. They said, ‘No no, how can you pray?’ I said, ‘No if I don’t pray, I will not give the money’. So, I got the two boys and I prayed, ‘In the name of the living Jesus Christ Lord, speak to them Lord. Speak to them’. Then after praying, when I came out, the manager lady asked me,’ Sir what happened? I said, ‘I was praying’. Then I spoke about Jesus Christ to that lady, and she was very keen. She told me, ‘Why don’t you give me Bible”.  So, I donated a Bible for the second time.

We went to Kodaikanal, and we were in front of Kodaikanal International school where there was one security guard. We went and toured around, and my wife told me, ‘We’ll go and pray in the church’. I said, ‘No I cannot pray. I have to go back and talk to the security man. I have to go and tell him something’. I went to my hotel and got one small Bible Gideon Bible. Then I gave him the Bible and marked it. I told him to read John 3:16 – For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, whosoever believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life. He could not understand. After that, I went back to Bangalore then I asked my PS to talk to him over the phone as they were both Tamilians. I found her laughing and asked her, ‘What happened?’. She said, ‘Sir, he was saying that when Commissioners visit Kodaikanal they come with a lot of police officers. But the one who came and met me, he was wearing jeans and he looked like an Anglo-Indian. I never thought that he’s a Commissioner, but he shared the Word of God’. I told him if he needs me again, I’ll go and meet him. However, I could not get another chance to meet him. Wherever I go, I share Word of God because I know the purpose of God in my life is to witness Him.

The first thing, the priority number one, should be Bible reading – DP Haokip Share on X

In Mumbai again I shared the Word of God in my office. I was called to Ernakulam to share the Word of God. Then I asked my Chief Commissioner, ‘Sir I am going to share the Word of God. Kindly give me two days casual leave’. He had already sanctioned my leave but one day he said, ‘Haokip, your leave has been cancelled. Please don’t go. If you go and if anything happens in the office, you will be held responsible’. So, in the morning I left Ernakulam. I preached the whole day and in the evening I came back. The next day when I asked my peers, ‘What happened yesterday?’. They said, ‘Sir yesterday evening, Chief Commissioner was transferred to Bhubaneswar’. I said, ‘If I had known that I would have stayed in Ernakulam. However, I took evening flight. So, when God has a purpose and when you do the will of God nothing can stop you. This happened in my life.

From the year 2000, my wife and I decided to read the Bible once a year, cover to cover. Then my wife left and went to be with the Lord in 2010 and with bereavement I have completed 10 years. In the absence of my wife, I want to continue the good legacy she left behind. In 2015 God again spoke to me, ‘You’re reading the Bible once in a year and you’ve become so complacent. Why don’t you come out of your comfort zone?’ Then I said, ‘Lord if you give me good health, I will read Bible 50 times’. That was my commitment in 2015, and I also said that I will try and participate in church construction of 50 churches. So far, I could contribute to the church construction of 20 churches. As far as Bible reading is concerned, in 2015 I read it three times. In 2016, I read the Bible 5 times and in 2017 I read it 6 times. Last year, by the grace of God, I could read Bible 13 times, cover to cover. In four years, I read the complete Bible, cover to cover, 27 times. Recently, I have completed reading the Bible 28 times. I need to read it another 22 times. I pray that I can complete my commitment. I never thought I will read Bible 10 times in year.

I know that the best book to read is the Bible. 

I was once interviewed in my hometown and the anchor told me, ‘Brother, I think reading Bible 10 times in a year is doable’. The word ‘doable’ is stuck in my mind. The TV anchor may have forgotten what he said, but that one word ‘doable’ is stuck deep down in my heart. I said, ‘Okay fine, I will try’. I tried reading the Bible 10 times. After reading the Bible 10 times, I read it 11 times. Then I decided, why should I stop reading the Bible the 11th time. I told myself there are 12 months in a year, 12 disciples of Jesus Christ, and 12 tribes and so on. That’s how I ended up reading the Bible 13 times. Since then, I campaigned saying, ‘The best book to read is the Bible’ among the Hindus, the Muslims, the Christians, those in the Income Tax Department and those out of the Income Tax Department. Nobody has raised their finger saying, ‘Brother Haokip, what you said is wrong’. So far, nobody has raised their fingers. I am right, and I know that the best book to read is the Bible.

We have to prioritize our priorities; the main things should be kept the main thing and the first thing should be the first thing. The first thing, the priority number one, should be Bible reading. This year also, I have read once on 31st Jan. When my mother died on the day, God gave me Psalm 32:5- Weeping will last for a night but rejoicing comes in the morning.  When my wife died in 2010, the Lord had again given me Romans 14:8- Whether we live or die, we belong to the Lord. When my father died in 2011, I was traveling from Guwahati to Imphal, in the plane I read the book Proverbs, chapters 16 to 20. God had given me three specific verses. So, when my mother died, my wife died, and my father died, on all those days I read the Bible.

Today, I challenge all of you to ask your family member their favourite Bible verse and song. So that when they die and when you have to give a speech, you mention their favourite verse or song. I am happy that one day I will be meeting all my loved ones in heaven. When my family members died, I did not cry. Why should I cry? I know that they have gone to a better place. These are my small testimonies.

My busyness in workplace cannot be an excuse for not reading the Bible- DP Haokip Share on X

Today, also I challenge all of you again, unless we read the Bible, the days are not far when the Bible will be banned in India. Let us read the Bible, memorize it, and keep it so that like Jesus Christ, when Jesus Christ was tempted, He pours out from his heart in Matthew 4:4 and in Luke 4:4- Man cannot live by bread alone but by every word which proceeds from the mouth of the Lord. I may be busy in my workplace, no doubt, but my busyness in workplace cannot be an excuse for not reading the Bible. If you have an excuse, I can challenge you that excuses, come from Satan, not from anywhere else. Let us look to our own life and see that God has redeemed us and given his Son for our sin. It is our duty to please Him, witness Him and to work for Him. Even in my own official business card, I have put John 3:16. I have intentionally done this to reach out to non-Christians. Many of the Chartered Accountants, big corporate businessmen, when they come and meet me in my office, I give them my visiting card. I ask them to turn it around and read the text at the back of the card which reads- God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son and whosoever believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life.  Then they ask me, ‘Sir, what is this?’ Then I have the chance to evangelize to them and tell them that this is the central theme of the Bible. I tell the good news to people. God has purpose in all of our lives God wants us to have integrity in our lives. God wants us to excel in our own areas.  In my own personal life also, I have seen God has been very good to me. Till today, I know that God will again lead me further for His glory.



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