Good morning to all of you. I know it’s a tough time to speak immediately after the break because the coffee and tea are still being served. I’m given a tough task, I believe. I come from, as Rajiv sir very well said, I come from Surat. How many of you here have heard the name Surat — have heard of the city Surat? Oh wow. Now I can be very sure I’m on Maps. So I come from Surat. Surat is known for two very important reasons. And was known for one more that I’ll share later. Two important reasons — Surat is the ‘Silk City of India.’ We have the maximum amount of silk production, sarees and all. But more importantly than that, the majority of the GDP of Surat comes from the diamond sector. So Surat is a diamond city. So I come from a city that polishes eight out of 10 diamonds that are sold worldwide. But I offer my apologies; I’ve not brought any for you. They are a little bit expensive; out of my budget currently.
You might be wondering how this person landed up in Surat from Chennai. [Tamil] I am from Chennai only. I know how to speak Tamil. But how this man landed up in Surat — it was actually because of my father. He was a missionary and evangelist, and God called him to serve among the rural people and the people who had not heard about Christ. For that purpose he had a calling and he went there and he started a family. And that is the reason I was born in Surat. I was born and brought up in Surat.
One more reason why Surat is famous, or was famous, probably. Like the World Cup every four years, we used to have floods every four years. The 1994 flood was national news. Then we had a huge flood in ‘98. Then 2002, 2006. In 2006 the flood was a nightmare for us. The water entered our house. But along with this natural calamity, I believe that if any of you still remember one disaster that happened in Surat, it was the 2001 earthquake that hit Gujarat. A very bad earthquake. Anybody here who remembers that? Surat and Bhuj, and the entire Gujarat was in the news.
I would like to start my story. I was thinking about what I should title it. God helped me to surpass various barriers in my life. So I would like to speak for some time about surpassing barriers. But starting with a miraculous journey, if not for which I would not have been here alive today in front of you. So I would like to thank God while starting with this experience we had.
What we plan for ourselves is nothing in front of what God plans for us. So I thought, even Plan B with God’s fingerprint would always be better in our lives than Plan A.
It was the year 2001. I was a teenager. We used to live in a multi-storey building. It was the tallest building of Surat at that time, and we used to live on the fourth floor. There was a motor that got installed just two days prior to that. And the work of the motor was to take the water to the top, to the terrace, and from there it would be distributed to the 96 flats. A huge, huge amount of water would be there.
26th of January, the day of the earthquake. The earthquake hit exactly at 8:12. In the morning, at 6:00, the water was supposed to go up. It was a brand new motor but on that day, the motor didn’t work. It was a two-day-old motor, had a warranty of more than 10 years, but on that day the motor didn’t work and the water didn’t go up. We had a heavy shake. I still remember my house having cracks due to that earthquake. I saw some of the bricks falling down. My whole kitchen was down. It was rumbling and stumbling all around. Somehow we made our way out. Me, my daddy, and my sister. My mother was working at that time in a school. And we all found our way out and we rushed down, and we were waiting there. Our building was identified as a high-risk zone.
People from the corporation came after two hours. They inspected the whole thing. They came out and they said, “If the water had gone to the top of the building, because of the weight, the building would have completely crashed.” The next moment they put the motor on and it was working. They said that there is one family serving the Living Lord, because of which the water didn’t go up there. At that time my father came to me and he said, “Child, we have a purpose larger than what we think.” And I, as a teenager, stood there and thought, God can choose one person to save hundreds of people. And that was how my journey began.
Proceeding further in my life, I have learned three intangibles. How I would like to set up my life. The first thing I realised very distinctly and clearly — and I would like to assure all of you people through my experience of 35 years — and that is, dear audience, God always has a plan for all of us.
He asked me, “Do you have a classroom?” “No.” “Do you have students?” No.” “Do you have infrastructure?” “No. “What do you have?” “I have God’s plan, and that is above everything else.”
Fast forwarding from the earthquake incident, coming down to my 10th grade. I topped my school. I had very good marks in mathematics and science and all these subjects. Many tutors and my principal recommended that I opt for the science stream. They wanted me to take medicine or engineering. I came down and discussed it with my parents, and my parents said, “Andrew.” We were very broke at that time. And they told me, “Andrew, we don’t have money to put you into the science field. We don’t have money to teach you those subjects.” Because at that time in Surat it was such that the whole amount you put in to study commerce would be the amount you need to study one subject of science. I was a little disappointed, not knowing where to go and what to do. I was in a park. I was sitting there. I was thinking about what God has in store for me. I rushed back home.
I had a habit and I still have it. There are 31 chapters in the book of Proverbs, and every day, whatever the date is, I’ll read that number. It was the 3rd of June. So it was Proverbs chapter 3. I opened it disappointed, not knowing what career plan I would have because that was my Plan B. And I was waiting for my Plan A to be successful. Taking commerce is what I then thought of. I opened the Bible, and dear wonderful audience, when I opened it, Proverbs 3:5,6 came gleaming up to me: “Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding.”
What we plan for ourselves is nothing in front of what God plans for us. So I thought, even Plan B with God’s fingerprint would always be better in our lives than Plan A. So if any one of you is walking or working with Plan B, trust in the Lord with all your heart. There might be a better Plan B than your Plan A.
I took up commerce, studied, and completed my 12th standard. I topped the school and had a very good rank in the city and the state as well. Then I was thinking of what course to pursue next. And I thought of going for chartered accountancy (CA). Some people came to me and told me… At that time the success rate of chartered accountancy was around 1.5-2% — one of the toughest courses in India. But, you know, when God’s by your side, nothing is impossible. You might have experienced various experiences like that in your life as well.
I realised that more than 75% of the fears in our minds are hypothetical fears — what ifs and what if nots. But when we bring them down to the feet of the Lord, all our anxiety is removed, all our fears are removed, and we build courage.
I took up CA. And in a matter of five years, God helped me, blessed me, and I completed my chartered accountancy. And along with that, I was also awarded various awards at the national level on completing the examination. So this was one part where I clearly understood that God’s plan was working in my life. The day I completed my CA — I was very interested in the subject of finance — I came back home, I saw that I cleared the exam with distinction in back-to-back subjects and with medals in some of them. And with an exemption certificate I got in accountancy subject as well at the national level.
I came back, and within an hour, my excitement doubled because I got a fantastic offer from a corporation in Dubai. Not only that; I also happened to get that in the matter of my interest, and that was equity research. The portfolio management site. The share markets and all. I was very interested in equity research. So I was very glad and happy. And at the same time I also got a partnership offer from one of the leading chartered accountancy firms of Surat along with some other accolades.
I couldn’t thank God more than this. I went for a thanksgiving meeting. I was on my knees praying and thanking God, saying: “God, you opened doors for me in exactly the equity research department that I wanted.” But you know, that day when I was kneeling down and praying, there was turmoil in my heart. The thanksgiving prayer became a prayer of a U-turn. God planted in my heart and said, “Andrew, go and start a coaching institute. Teach students. Train them. Teach them Commerce.”
God has a plan. But many times… Let me assure you from my journey of life — God’s plans might sometimes not unfold completely together; they unfold one at a time. We need to take that leap of faith. I talked to some of my friends, some of my elders, and they were like: “What are you doing? You’re rejecting one of the finest offers you’re getting.” And I said, “No, I don’t have peace of mind when I’m praying and getting ready to go for that (job). God is telling me to start something else in which I have no experience.” But friends, sometimes we need to take the leap of faith. I told my dad, “I’m going to take this decision.” He prayed for me. He asked me, “Do you have a classroom?” “No.” “Do you have students?” No.” “Do you have infrastructure?” “No. “What do you have?” “I have God’s plan, and that is above everything else.” Maybe God has a larger plan in our lives.
Some things that God doesn't teach us when we are cruising on top of the mountains, God teaches us when we are in the depths of the valleys. — Andrew Jaychandran Share on X
It was not raining when Noah built the ark. Nehemiah must have thought, What a waste of life it is for me to only be a cupbearer to the king. But God has a plan, and God’s plans are always greater than what we think for ourselves. We need to take that leap of faith, and that is what I did. But you know, the leap of faith always comes with anxiety; with fear. And that brings me to the second intangible that I’ve learned in my life — face the fear and build courage.
I would like to ask all of you to take a deep breath. Think of that one fear that is there in front of you. Think of that one Goliath that is standing in front of you. It might be your situation. It might be some awkward decisions that we must have taken. Many times, we fear. You know, I had that fear in my heart always: What if I fail? What if I don’t meet people’s expectations? But then I realised that more than 75% of the fears in our minds are hypothetical fears — what ifs and what if nots. But when we bring them down to the feet of the Lord, all our anxiety is removed, all our fears are removed, and we build courage.
Without any idea, I started with a small classroom. It was a 200-sq-ft classroom. And I had a small cabin. It was only around 20 ft. And I started with only two students in that coaching Institute. And fast forward to the year 2019-20, when, dear brothers and sisters in Christ, God showed us a big property and I thought of purchasing it in order to expand the tuition classes. Started with two students, went up till 20, went up till 50. Started touching people’s lives and started creating an influence in many people’s lives. I used to nurture the students of Class 11 and 12, teaching them moral values, teaching them ethics. Many times, putting across parables in a way that they would understand, and in that way, fulfilling the responsibility that Christ has given to us to be the light of the world.
In 2020, the deal was finalised and we were constructing this particular class. And suddenly one day the news breaks: It’s Covid. All over. All the tuition classes and all the schools will be shut. There is no more education in any of the institutes. Over here the work was going on. That day, I was in a debt of around ₹2 crore. I didn’t know what to do. I didn’t know when the institute would be opened. One of my staff came to me and said, “Sir, you once said that Jesus fed 5,000 people with five loaves. And here the odds are more in our favour. We can still do well.”
In the depths of loneliness, the choices that we make to do something, or when we opt not to do something, that is what reveals our character and integrity.
We started the journey. We completed it. And in a matter of time… There was an old office in which I used to teach; one person even came to me and told me: “Your cabin is the size of my bathroom.” And I said, “But thank God I don’t bathe here.” But from that, God elevated and built courage inside. And today we have around 10,000 sq ft of classrooms. And our premises has been declared as among the top three institutes to study at all over India by the AED. I started teaching around 20 students in a small classroom. And building that courage, today I personally teach more than 1,000 students in a day. And today we have a classroom where I teach 120-150 students in a batch.
At the darkest and the deepest point of my life, I felt God took me there to bring the best out of me. Out of my life’s experience I’ll tell you something — some things that God doesn’t teach us when we are cruising on top of the mountains, God teaches us when we are in the depth of the valleys. When we go deep, that is where we find excellence. What is excellence? From my life, if I can learn and share with you, excellence has always been achieved by those who dared to believe that something inside them was superior to the circumstances. God sends us to the depths just to refine us, nourish us, and to bring something very good out of it. And what is there inside us? 1 John 4:4 says: “Children, you have overcome the world because what is there inside you is greater than what is there in the world.” When you are in your workplaces, in your workforces, at your homes, in the neighbourhood, always feel that power of God residing, the power of Jesus Christ residing inside us because what is inside us is greater than what is there in that world.
We need to take that leap of faith. We need to build that courage. And courage enhances integrity. I was burdened by debt, and at that time, a person came into my office and offered me ₹1 lakh. I still remember. He wanted a sign of a chartered accountant on a fake document. He told me, “Here’s the bundle. Here’s the document. You sign it. Who you are and who I am.” Our signatures are sometimes not challenged. Our choices define our integrity. In the depths of loneliness, the choices that we make to do something, or when we opt not to do something, that is what reveals our character and integrity.
Maybe I feel that God was intangibly sitting near me and saying, “Andrew, it’s up to you to make a decision.” I thrashed that person and took him out of the office. And maybe at that time God was telling me, “Wait, I am yet to elevate you to further heights.” That courage. And when that courage intensifies, integrity comes up. And when that integrity comes up, we become excellent.
It is our choice whether to be mediocre in life or to have excellence in our day-to-day lives. — Andrew Jaychandran Share on X
It is our choice whether to be mediocre in life or to have excellence in our day-to-day lives. When one person came and told me, “Your cabin is so small, classes are so small…” A very good acquaintance of mine once came and asked me: “You rejected a very huge offer that you got from a foreign country. You rejected a big partnership offer that you got from a leading chartered accountant in Surat and Mumbai. The choice that you made to enter a small area and teach two students… Do you think you will be able to create an identity for yourself? Why did you do this?” But I believe again, when we make these choices, when we make these decisions, God is near us. And he must have said, “When I start giving this child an identity, there is no holding back.”
You might sometimes be in a desperate situation, thinking, What identity am I going to have? But at this stage, I’m here to assure you from my experience that you might be undergoing some high-pressure situation. I come from a ‘Diamond City’ and I bring a piece of glad news to all of you from that Diamond City. And that is: Only those pieces of carbon that undergo the maximum pressure become the hardest metal. We might undergo some pressure but God is making us a diamond. That’s out of the experience that I had in my life. The best of the gold is always received at the highest melting point. You might feel like you’re on a spinning wheel, but God is making us stronger and stronger. He’s making a piece of clay into a beautiful pot.
When God gives us identity, there’s no turning back. Whenever I used to write my examinations… People ask me, “Why did you clear chartered accountancy?” When I cleared it, the pass percentage was only 1.9%. Out of 1,000, 19 people cleared it. I say this because of two reasons. Every time I hold a question paper in my hand, I lift it in my hands and pray. My entire classroom would be watching. And I’d be praying: “Lord, the horse is ready for the battle, but the victory comes from the Lord. And as for why I cleared, the distinct reason — not my knowledge; it’s a speck of dust in front of God’s grace — I used to write the examination for three hours, and at that time, one man, my father, would be on his knees. For three hours he’d be praying for that examination. And that is how God gives us victory. When the hands are held high, no person can defeat you.
Only those pieces of carbon that undergo the maximum pressure become the hardest metal. We might undergo some pressure but God is making us a diamond.
Coming back to identity, as Rajiv brother said, it was the year 2020 when I was awarded as the ‘Icon of Surat’ in the field of education. I thanked God on the stage, and God said, “Child, it is not over.” I’m getting emotional when I’m saying this because God spoke to me distinctly, saying, “Many more are going to come.” Six months down the line, Economic Times gave me an award: ‘The Enterprising Indian of the Year.’ I thanked God, and God said, “It’s not over.” 40 people from the south of Gujarat were selected in various capacities and were given the prestigious award ‘40 Under 40.’ And this man, who had no identity, who survived a natural calamity, was one amongst those 40 people to get the ‘40 Under 40’ award.
Two months before coming here, I got an award — ‘The Industry Leaders Gujarat Award.’ Twenty-four people were selected from all over the state of Gujarat from various professions, and were given the Industry Leaders award. I was one amongst them. And I couldn’t thank God enough for all these wonderful accolades that he has given me. And this is how God’s purpose is fulfilled in our lives.
I thank LeadTalks for the wonderful opportunity that God has given to me to share my testimony. Thank you.